Updates in jmlda-guides.zip archive and Copyright transfer agreement

The author's guidelines have been modified.
References are now presented in two languages, both in Russian and English. Instructions how to prepare References are given in the guidelines. Two BibTeX style files are provided, one of them stands for Russian GOST7.0.5-2008 standard style with some modifications and the other one stands for the style recommended by Web of Science and Scopus.

New version of the manuscript template is now available at jmlda-template.pdf .

The jmlda.sty package has been updated to provide compatibility with the versions of russian.ldf higher than 1.2.

The author's guidelines, the manuscript template, jmlda.sty package and two BibTeX style files can be found in jmlda-guides.zip archive.

Please pay attention that the signed copy of the copyright transfer agreement now has to be presented in the archive with the paper when it is submitted to the journal.

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