Papers submission


Information for IDP conference CCIS Springer volume

Please note that manuscripts have to be prepared in LaTeX

Information for authors

Papers are submitted through the Open Journal Systems (OJS). The journal accepts papers in English and Russian.

  • To sign up for the open journal system fill in the registration form in Russian and English indicating in a check-box that you would like to register as an author.
  • Log in, go to User Home page and press "New submission".
  • Then follow the four-step submission process to upload your paper:
  1. Start a new submission indicating in a check-box that you confirm the author agreement.
  2. Upload the paper. When the OJS asks you to submit your manuscript source files do the following: build a PDF of your manuscript using jmlda.sty package; bundle all the source files, the PDF manuscript version and the scanned copy of the copyright transfer agreement filled in and signed by all of the authors in a single ZIP or RAR archive and attach it. Source files include LaTeX files, BibTeX files, figures, tables, all LaTeX classes and packages that are not included in TeX Live and any other material that belongs to your manuscript. Please note that the PDF should be generated from the source files you submit and the manuscript should compile without errors with latex.
    The LaTeX version of the manuscript template, jmlda.sty style package and BibTeX style files can be downloaded in archive.
  3. Fill in the information about all the authors, enter the title and the abstract of the paper in English and Russian.
  4. Once you have all the information filled in, click on the "Finish submission" button to confirm the manuscript submission.
  • From Author Homepage you will see your uploaded paper. Press "STATUS" to see the status of your paper: presence of the referees, review reports, the referees decision.
  • A decision to accept or reject the manuscript, or to request a revision, will be sent to the author along with any recommendations made by the referees, and may include verbatim comments by the referees.
  • In case the referees request a revision, the manuscript is to be edited according to the referees remarks. The revised manuscript archive is submitted through the paper page that appears on Author Homepage. To submit the revised manuscript click on "REVIEW" and in "Editor Decision" section upload the new version ("Author Version").

Useful links